May 16, 2020
In this universe millions of words which are even unworthy of being spoken are transmitted through the airborne droplet. Everything that has a price is illusory. As well as all that we can talk about exist nowhere except our mind. And all that exists is living only in our sensations. There is nothing to say about that what is true. You can only smile and hug about it.
To be real, to stay in your own truth and vulnerability, to show your feelings without suppressing emotions, is not our weakness. This, on the contrary, is our greatest strength. Only a very brave person who has lost «everything» and who has nothing to regret can appear to other people in his vulnerability. At the same time, it is possible for everyone easily to imitate the power.
Have you ever seen the eyes of your soul? Have you ever acted out of fearlessness? I bet, these were the most precious moments which you remember with particular trepidation...